Schools of Nursing Scholarship Program - Final Report FY2024
- During FY2024, the Office of Nursing Workforce Distributed $842 100.00 in funding to 24 nursing schools statewide.
Allocation of Funding by Participant’s Discipline of Study
- The donut chart breaks down the funding allocation by the participant’s discipline of study within a sample size of 1,125 individuals.
- Registered Nurses (RN): The largest group, making up 65% of the sample with 736 individuals.
- Practical Nurses (LPN): The second largest group, comprising 27% of the sample, with 303 individuals.
- Advanced Degree Nurses (MSN, APRN): The smallest group, representing 8% of the sample, with 86 individuals.
Student Progress by Licensing Rates
The donut chart represents licensing rates for 1,125 individuals, divided into "Licensed" and "Not Licensed.
"Licensed: 80% of the individuals, totaling 895, have received their licenses.
Not Licensed: 20% of the individuals, totaling 230, have not yet obtained their licenses.