Title 30 Mississippi Administrative Code, Part 2815: Continuing Education was repealed by the Board in February 2020.  

Current CE requirements are as follows.  

LPNs  will be required to comply with Continuing Education requirements for the renewal, endorsement, or reinstatement applications if the nurse has been out of practice for greater than five (5) years. The LPN shall complete a minimum of twenty (20) contact hours of accepted continuing education earned in the previous 2-year period immediately prior to such application toward satisfying the requirement.  

RNs will be required to comply with Continuing Education requirements for the renewal, endorsement, or reinstatement applications if the nurse has been out of practice for greater than five (5) years. The RN shall complete a minimum of twenty (20) contact hours of accepted continuing education earned in the previous 2-year period immediately prior to such application toward satisfying the requirement.  


  • The APRN is required to register for a basic user account with CE Broker to manage continuing education documents. Learn more about CE Broker and create your account.
  • Upload the National Board Certification information and document PDF
  • Complete a minimum of five (5) contact hours of continuing education directly related to controlled substances per State Certification Period. This requirement applies to all APRNs, irrespective of controlled substance prescriptive authority.
  • Upload CE certificates in PDF format as evidence of having completed the five (5) contact hours related to controlled substances within the renewal cycle 01/01 of the odd year to 12/31 of the even year.

The Board may conduct periodic audits to ensure compliance. Upon notification of audit by the Board, the APRN shall submit to the Board any certificates, transcripts, or other documentation evidencing compliance with these rules, within ten (10) business days of receiving such notification. Failure to comply with this rule may subject the APRN to disciplinary action or other administrative sanction. APRNs graduating from an accredited master's degree or higher APRN program within the last two (2) years are exempt for this requirement for the first renewal of State Certification only.